
By  Dave Muoio 03:48 pm May 20, 2020
Roughly a month after first announcing their unprecedented collaboration, Apple and Google have updated their devices' operating systems today with the first component of their contact tracing API. Referred to by the companies as "Exposure Notifications," the technology aims to help public health agencies deploy apps that tell individuals when they may have been exposed to another person with...
By  Laura Lovett 04:12 pm April 30, 2020
Welcome to the USA. Swedish telehealth platform Kry is moving across the Atlantic and launching its services in the U.S., according to CNBC. It will be offering LIVI, its digital doctor consultation service that lets patients request a visit via the app. Patients can access a doctor for physical conditions and behavioral health.  In January the startup scored €140 million ($155 million) Series C...
By  MobiHealthNews 04:23 pm April 27, 2020
Thanks, but we've got this. The U.K. has decided not to use Apple and Google’s much-anticipated Bluetooth contact tracing tool as originally planned, according to the BBC. Apple and Google’s model pitches a decentralized system for tracing, while the NHSX – which works on the UK’s digital health efforts – is proposing a centralized system. NHS officials told the BBC that the centralized system...
By  Laura Lovett 04:13 pm April 27, 2020
While governments and tech titans are rushing to create contact-tracing apps to curb the spread of COVID-19, a new review published by the Ada Lovelace Institute in the United Kingdom says not so fast.   “Based on the current evidence in this review, the significant technical limitations, and deep social risks, of digital contact tracing outweigh the value offered to the crisis response,” authors...
By  Laura Lovett 11:40 am April 20, 2020
Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University found that self-reported coronavirus symptoms from surveys posted on Facebook and Google correlate to test-confirmed cases. These results will now be part of the university’s new disease forecast map COVIDcast, which will also include data from others like the Quidel Corp.  While individual results of the Carnegie Mellon study weren’t shared with...
By  MobiHealthNews 04:52 pm April 10, 2020
Even before today's big announcement from Apple and Google, it was clear that phone-based contact tracking was going to be an important weapon in the war against COVID-19. But might that weapon be a double-edged sword? In today's HIMSSCast, host Jonah Comstock is joined by the MobiHealthNews team – Managing Editor Laura Lovett and Associate Editor Dave Muoio – to discuss the various companies,...
By  Dave Muoio 02:19 pm April 10, 2020
Two of the biggest names in technology have formed an unprecedented partnership to introduce health data-sharing and COVID-19 contact-tracing technologies to the lion's share of the smartphone market. In dual news releases published this afternoon, Apple and Google announced plans to launch APIs that will enable interoperability between iOS and Android products by way of official apps from public...
By  Dave Muoio 03:13 pm April 6, 2020
Google is taking its coronavirus support efforts one step further with the launch of its COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports web tool late last week. Similar to the way Google Maps displays whether certain businesses or public places are busy at certain times of day, the resource aggregates anonymized location tracking data from mobile devices to identify large-scale behavior trends. The end...
By  Dave Muoio 03:23 pm March 16, 2020
Alphabet's Verily has launched a website where California residents can complete a short survey regarding their current condition and, if they meet certain criteria, could be referred to a nearby mobile COVID-19 testing site. Conducted through Verily's Project Baseline population health effort and developed in collaboration with federal, state and local public health authorities, the triage...
By  Laura Lovett 02:09 pm March 4, 2020
Google made waves in the fall when the WSJ reported that the tech company had been working with Ascension since 2018 on a collaboration involving patient data, called Project Nightingale. While the partnership appears to be HIPAA compliant, the news drew concerns among patients, providers and legislators. Earlier this week, a group of three senators, including Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Richard...