NODE Health

By  Tom Sullivan 03:51 pm December 6, 2018
With so much innovation happening in healthcare today, and hospitals creating innovation or transformation labs, some are even conducting Shark Tank-style initiatives to glean new ideas from the very people who will ultimately use the technology. Count NewYork-Presbyterian and Stony Brook Medicine among those. It starts, as so many innovations do, with ideation and design. Stony Brook Medicine...
By  Dave Muoio 02:25 pm August 1, 2018
Dr. Ashish Atreja is an unabashed proponent of digital health. As chief innovation and officer and associate professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, he has contributed to a number of the organization’s digitally-focused initiatives and often speaks of the benefits these technologies can bring to care. However, for digital health and medicines to avoid major pitfalls during its...
By  Jonah Comstock 12:19 pm March 3, 2016
Dr. Ashish Atreja, director of the AppLab at Mount Sinai hospital, believes that the lack of a robust body of digital health evidence is a problem. That's not an uncommon opinion. But Atreja thinks the key to improving the situation is collaboration, and at a small reception  at HIMSS16 he made a plea to doctors to share their own digital health pilot data through a new data sharing initiative...