By  Neil Versel 07:01 am August 27, 2012
Newly finalized rules for Stage 2 of the "meaningful use" electronic health records (EHR) incentive program take into consideration some of the ways mobile technology has changed how healthcare professionals and patients access health information. Notably, the 672-page rule, which the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released Thursday, requires providers to conduct a risk...
By  Brian Dolan 03:58 am July 12, 2012
This week Happtique, the healthcare-specific appstore and mobile app prescription technology vendor, published its draft document for the mobile health app certification process its panel of advisors has been developing over the course of the past few months. Happtique is looking for public comments on its draft, which certainly seems a lot like the process the FDA used for its draft guidance on...
By  Neil Versel 06:08 am July 9, 2012
In developing policies for managing data handled by and stored on mobile devices, healthcare organizations should look beyond privacy and security and consider the legal ramifications of mobile health information, the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) says. "While much has been written stressing how extremely important security and privacy issues are in the use of mobile...
By  Brian Dolan 03:59 am June 14, 2012
Care transitions technology provider Axial Exchange has acquired mRemedy, a mobile health app company formed by the Mayo Clinic and DoApp in late 2009. While the companies did not disclose specific financial details about the acquisition, Mayo Clinic and Axial's existing investor Canaan Partners both invested in Axial Exchange to help it complete the acquisition. The resulting company now counts...
By  Brian Dolan 12:03 am February 28, 2012
Last week the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) published a proposal to add more resources to its planned two-year study of consumer attitudes toward the privacy of their personal health information. The ONC stated in the report published in the Federal Register that the request for more resources was "due to the growing use of mobile devices in exchanging personal health...
By  Brian Dolan 10:19 am February 6, 2012
PatientSafe Solutions' PatientTouch for iPod touch Health Evolution Partners, the healthcare investment firm started by former US National Health Information Technology Coordinator Dr. David Brailer, has partnered with Verizon to identify and work with promising mobile health, telemedicine, and health data management companies. Health Evolution Partners (HEP) has indirectly invested in a number...
By  Neil Versel 04:46 pm November 2, 2011
ONC National Health IT Coordinator Dr. Farzad Mostashari The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology is conducting a series of focus groups to gauge consumer opinion on privacy and security of mobile health technologies. ONC's Office of the Chief Privacy Officer, which is running the focus groups, is looking to "explore the attitudes and preferences of a diverse...
By  Brian Dolan 06:46 am April 9, 2010
"Maybe with all that ARRA money floating about in the HITECH Act, ONC should just go ahead and build such an 'open' platform that supports modular apps to meet specific needs wihin this highly fragmented market. Seriously, this needs some consideration," Chilmark Research Principal John Moore wrote last year after reading about a proposal by Boston researchers to create an "iPhone-like" platform...