Podcast: MobiHealthNews team on regulated medical apps

By Brian Dolan
01:16 pm

Podcast imageThe March edition of The MobiHealthNews Podcast went live over the weekend. If you missed the congressional hearings on FDA regulation of mobile medical apps, this 30 minute podcast can bring you up to speed. We condensed the hours and hours of testimony and grandstanding into a digestible series of the most important and representative quotes with a little context from MobiHealthNews. (OK, we included a few ridiculous quotes, too, there were too many not to.)

For this -- our second monthly podcast -- MobiHealthNews editor Brian Dolan and writer Jonah Comstock delved into the hidden and not so hidden agendas of the participating legislators and the industry witnesses that shared testimonies. If your medical app might be subject to FDA regulation, this podcast is not to be missed!

You can check out The MobiHealthNews Podcast for free over at iTunes and subscribe to stay up to date on future episodes (our podcast subscription feed changed since February, so be sure to sign up again if you were an early listener!).
