Video: The current state of patient generated health data

By Brian Dolan
03:18 pm


As part of our coverage of the big HIMSS16 event in Las Vegas later this month, MobiHealthNews caught up with half a dozen Boston-area digital health types to discuss a handful of topics we thought might bubble up at the big show -- or at least topics we think should. In the video above MobiHealthNews talked about the current state of patient generated health data with Naomi Fried, formerly of Biogen and Boston Children's Hospital; Brad Crotty MD from Beth Israel Deaconess; John Moore MD from Twine Health; Roy Schoenberg MD of American Well; Cedric Hutchings of Withings; and Jay Sibley of Flare Capital.


All of MobiHealthNews' HIMSS16 coverage is sponsored exclusively by telehealth company American Well.

