By  Heather Mack 08:02 pm August 8, 2016
In the second quarter, WebMD began testing a new app and, in the face of declining traffic in the form of Google-referrals, increased its focus on driving internal traffic. While there was a slight decline in the number of users, page views were actually up, which WebMD attributed to efforts to engage users to spend more time on the site with increased programming and social media. The company...
By  Heather Mack 12:27 pm August 3, 2016
Adam Pellegrini left his post as VP of digital health at Walgreens Boots Alliance to join fitness wearable company Fitbit. Pellegrini will be responsible for leading Fitbit’s vision, strategies and programs to further drive the company’s integration into healthcare systems around the world. Pellegrini has more than 20 years of experience across multiple sectors of the healthcare industry...
By  Jonah Comstock 02:42 pm March 23, 2016
WebMD partnered with Verizon to offer digital health coaching to 1,100 of Verizon's employees in a recent pilot, Employee Benefit News reports. The program led to weight loss for 73 percent of participants. Verizon employees were invited to participate after taking a health assessment if they had a BMI over 30 or a blood glucose level above a certain threshold. The program included one-on-one...
By  Aditi Pai 02:29 pm March 10, 2016
Consumers care more about ease of use than trustworthiness when it comes to looking up health information online, according to a Makovsky survey of 1,035 US adults that was fielded by market research firm Kelton. The survey revealed that although 59 percent of respondents said they trust health information that comes from advocacy group websites, just 16 percent said they use these websites to...
By  Jonah Comstock 02:22 pm March 2, 2016
Millennials and Silents (the generation born prior to 1942) are the least likely generations to use tech tools like wearable fitness trackers, according to a survey of 2,600 WebMD users, presented today at HIMSS16 in Las Vegas. But younger and older respondents gave very different reasons for why they don't use these tools. "Millennials were more likely to select cost as their reason for not...
By  Jonah Comstock 02:15 pm February 24, 2016
WebMD may soon begin to offer healthcare price transparency tools to users, and is even looking at becoming involved in telehealth, CEO David Schlanger said on a recent earnings call. Schlanger also talked about traffic and search trends, Medscape Consult, and the company’s video content strategy. WebMD revenues hit $192.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2015, up from $162.7 million in Q4 2014,...
By  MHN Staff 01:36 pm January 22, 2016
Last week, rumors circulated that WebMD was getting acquired, shopping its business around to Walgreens Boots Alliance and UnitedHealthcare. The company later denied that it was negotiating the sale of any parts of its business.   But why did the sale rumor have legs? How is WebMD, one of the first online health destination sites, faring as digital health trends up? To answer that question,...
By  Jonah Comstock 08:13 am October 1, 2015
WebMD's Medscape team is working on a new clinical reference app called Medscape Consult that will include an option for doctors to "crowdsource" clinical advice from their colleagues. WebMD CEO David Schlanger announced the app at the company's annual stockholder meeting, where he also spoke about plans for international expansion and a renewed focus on the company's private portal division,...
By  Jonah Comstock 12:07 pm August 4, 2015
Brian Garcia, Welltok's new chief technology and product officer. Welltok, developer of the CafeWell Health Optimization Platform, brought on Brian Garcia as chief technology and product officer. Garcia comes to Welltok after 15 years at Aetna, where he served as chief technology officer for their Healthagen business unit. His focus at Welltok will be on product and technology strategy, ...
By  Jonah Comstock 09:21 am August 3, 2015
The next big step for WebMD will be to start to move WebMD and Medscape content beyond their home websites and out onto social media sites, CEO David Schlanger said in the company's Q2 earnings call. "In the digital ecosystem it's become clear that people are using social platforms as means to do more than just connect with their friends and family, but really as destinations to find information...