digital health predictions

By  MobiHealthNews 02:27 pm January 28, 2020
Unfortunately for us, MobiHealthNews doesn’t have a crystal ball (it would be darn useful for getting scoops). But we do have more than a decade’s worth of experience tracking the emergence of this space and we spend a lot of our time talking to smart people with industry experience and opinions of their own.  As we enter into a new decade in 2020, your MobiHealthNews staff has put our heads...
By  Jonah Comstock 01:36 pm August 16, 2016
The global market for patient engagement solutions was valued at $7.4 billion in 2015, according to Grand View Research, and is expected to rise to $39.3 billion by 2024, a more than fivefold increase over nine years. Mobile health will be one driver of that growth, Grand View writes in an online summary of the research. "Key end-users of this sector are payers, providers, and individual users,"...
By  Brian Dolan 02:48 pm February 26, 2016
  As part of our coverage of the big HIMSS16 event in Las Vegas later this month, MobiHealthNews caught up with half a dozen Boston-area digital health types to discuss a handful of topics we thought might bubble up at the big show -- or at least topics we think should. In the video above MobiHealthNews discusses the group's thoughts on what's next for digital health in 2016 as well as where...
By  Dan Gebremedhin MD, MBA 01:33 pm January 13, 2016
About the author: @DanGebremedhin is a Senior Associate at Flare Capital Partners, an early stage Health Technology and Services focused VC Firm. He is a practicing physician at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and previously served as an Associate Medical Director at the Harvard Pilgrim Health Plan, and spent five years as an entrepreneur in the Health IT Industry. 1. 2016 is the year when we...
By  Jonah Comstock 08:57 am June 4, 2015
FDA clearances for digital health devices are on track to triple by 2018, according to new research from Accenture, as digital health offerings drive more than $100 billion in savings over that same time period. Thirty-three digital health devices were cleared by the FDA in 2014, according to Accenture, and they predict 100 will be cleared in 2018. The research group estimates that FDA-cleared...
By  Brian Dolan 06:37 am May 19, 2014
Worldwide revenues from sports, fitness, and activity tracking devices will grow by 46 percent between 2013 and 2019, according to a recent report from analyst group IHS Technology.  The firm attributes growth to the increasing number of health-conscious consumers willing to buy heart rate monitors and other wearable devices. IHS pegs global OEM revenue at $1.9 billion in 2013, which will rise to...
By  Jonah Comstock 08:54 am April 29, 2013
The Numera Home Hub is connected to AT&T's cellular network. Harry Wang, director of health and mobile product research at Parks Associates, believes M2M, cellular-connected devices for home monitoring and, especially, aging in place, are ripe to take off in the next few years. In a column at E-Commerce Times, Wang shared some new Parks data about the role of machine to machine computing (...
By  Brian Dolan 03:40 am January 3, 2013
As the new year kicks off so, too, do the predictions for mobile and digital health. Pundits ranging from physician consultants and startup CEOs to investors and research analysts were busy last month assembling a wide array of predictions and trends lists for the coming year. Below is MobiHealthNews' roundup of some of the best: At a recent conference organized by The Economist, venture...